Subtle things missed in Dominion!

After many hours of playing Dominion, there are always a few things, such as rules, that I didn't know existed.  I wanted to share some subtle things I missed the first few times I played in Dominion
  1. Under the rare circumstances where you end up with 0 or 1 coin in your hand and can't buy anything action cards or victory point cards, don't forget that the coppers and curses are worth actually free to buy (assuming you have a buy).  This of course does not mean you should always buy a copper if you can't buy anything else.  However, sometimes you might actually want to buy a curse.
  2. The game ends when ANY three supply piles are gone.  This includes the coin decks, the curse deck, and the victory card piles.

  3. The number of victory cards, and curse cards in a pile is dependent on the number of players in the game.  So don't place all the curses in play because there is only supposed to be a handful of them!
  4. The randomizer game...